Thursday, September 10, 2009

Jobelessness: A Time of Renewal

Job Ready, Job Savvy : Unemployment as an Opportunity for Renewal

OK, so we've all heard the numbers, enough already! Unemployment is at 9.4% and rising. You're one of the many and you know first hand how tough the times have been and are in a state of angst over how much worse it can get for you and your family.

In times like these I offer my clients words of encouragement, promote faith in themselves and a higher power, and usually offer some get real advice or insight into how to get through the rough patches. Yes, I truly mean, and believe in what I preach and ultimately it comes down to a person's ability to improvise when the chips are stacked against you.

Q: Can you reinvent yourself using an untapped skill, talent or craft?
A: Only if you've had the courage to look at yourself more critically; to step outside of your reality box and listen to what others are saying about your untapped skills, then find a path to capitalize on that.

Q: Can you make a $1 out of .15?
A: Well, maybe not literally, but you can stretch your money, if you look for ways to cut back. Swallow your false pride and cut coupons, barter services and shop discount, closeout and warehouse centers for savings. Review your investment strategies with a professional adviser and begin better investment habits now, while the cash flow is low and continue those new habits when your luck turns around.

Q. Do you have '"copability"?
A: From renowned spiritualist and change guru, Deepak Chatterjee..."copability" is your ability to handle the tough times. How you manage to maintain integrity and what you do when you don't know what to do, can speak volumes about you ability to bounce back from adversity.

Q: Do you know your career values?
A: Your ability to find the next opportunity may depend in large part on how well you know yourself, you priorities and your career values...or as I call them, the deal maker and deal breaker conditions under which you are willing to work. Are your expectations (demands) reasonable or can somethings be compromised in the short term for an opportunity to get back on your feet?


Consider the following things when you think of career values, and decide which of these things can be compromised to begin anew. There are many more career values to consider. Some with much more depth, that directly relate to your work ethics, but these are the things I think are most relevant to a frustrated job seeker (in no particular order).

1. Flexibility to set my own schedule.
2 Ability to earn more money, even if it means long hours.
3. Opportunity to be creative.
4. Working independently.
5. Earning money to buy luxury items.
6. Doing work that changes the lives of others.
7. Regular recognition for my efforts.

For example, (#1/2) if you've reached the level in your career where you don't punch the clock to earn a living, can you consider going back to hourly work or an environment where strict accountability of time is critical to your earning potential? Just something to think about. It may be the difference between a job now, and seeking the next benefits extension from unemployment.

If you're a consumption whore (#5), and need to have the latest fashion and technology trends, can you get help for your problem and live more modestly? After all, what do those things mean to the big picture? Chances are you can go back on the stroll of consumables once you get a job. This is a temporary set back, right?

If you're the type who constantly needs a pat on the back, merits and bonuses for a job well done (#7), is it possible that you can take a "thankless" job to make the mortgage? Can you find reward elsewhere until the market turns around and the perk filled jobs open up again?

Then, there is the person who is so socially conscious and grounded that they cannot perform work which does not have a greater impact on society (#6). Can you work a job where the social impact and change is not immediately evident? OK my take on this...we are all connected in some way and even if you are not the one delivering the food to needy children, but the one who packed the box, you are indeed making an impact and doing your part to affect change. Dig a little deeper and perhaps you'll see it.

This week's post is just an opportunity for you to renew your options, your commitment to yourself, and your opportunity to grow despite the depressing numbers.

What's your secret to renewal? What are you doing to keep hope and opportunity alive? Weigh in.

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